End of Life Alert
The Software Collections project is going into end of life status with the end of active development of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 on June 30, 2024. This website will no longer be updated.
Source code lives on at https://github.com/sclorg; people interested in continuing the project may find more information there.
All versions of any software
on your system. Together.
Software Collections give you the power to build, install, and use
multiple versions of software on the same system, without
affecting system-wide installed packages.
Using a System Package
- $ python --version
- Python 2.7.5
Using a Software Collection
- $ scl enable rh-python35 bash
- $ python --version
- Python 3.5.1
Find Your Collections
Looking for a new release of Ruby, Python, Perl, or want to install Node.js on your Enterprise Linux? How about an alternative to MySQL, MariaDB 10.1, or PostgreSQL 9.5? You can find the components you need in the SoftwareCollections.org Directory.
Browse the Software Collections DirectoryIt's Easy to Develop
SoftwareCollections.org is designed to be a community of people who create and use Software Collections for production systems, proof-of-concept systems, and development testbeds.
Developers can build on existing SCLs, so they don't need to re-invent the wheel or take responsibility for packaging unnecessary dependencies. Need a newer version of Java or Python with your app? Use an existing SCL instead.
Learn How to Build Collections
Need to create a Software Collection for your project or product? The guide will show you how to modify the RPM spec file(s) for your project and create an easy-to-install Software Collection.
Building collectionsCollections Supported by Red Hat
Red Hat offers a set Software Collections with professional, enterprise-class support for Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®. You can find relevant information on the Red Hat Customer Portal and access the Red Hat Software Collection channels on the Red Hat Network (RHN).
Red Hat Software Collections Red Hat Developer ToolsetDeveloperWeek Award
Red Hat has received the Top Innovator award for Software Collections at DeveloperWeek 2014.

Get in Touch
For everybody who wants to discuss Software Collections, there is a mailing list at sclorg@redhat.com. If you have questions, see the FAQ or ask on StackOverflow using the software-collections tag.
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